Would you like to write? My blogging tips…

Every now and then someone reads my blog and chats to me and I encourage them to start their own blog.

If that sounds like you and you’d like to hear my blogging tips… read on…

Tips and suggestions…

1) EXPECTATIONS. I’ve written for many years and I’ve shared incredible things but I get very few comments and responses… don’t be discouraged if you have the same response. Do this out of obedience and love and don’t be put affected by the response – positive or negative.

2) DONATIONS. I’ve never had a donation through this blog even though Ive written about it and blatantly suggested it many times.

3) LED BY THE SPIRIT.  I try to ONLY write when I feel the Holy Spirit has something to say. I try to keep the foundations scriptural and provide scripture references where I can. This discipline keeps me centered and keeps visitors safe.

4) BALANCE.  I try to use wisdom and yet say what needs to be said. I try to keep in mind that people are at very different stages in their walk.

6) PRIDE.  I try not to defend myself, I try to avoid letting pride stop me from sharing deeply. The things I share might lower some people’s view of me. Yes that might happen. But Im not writing for such people. Im writing for people who are stuck and want to get out. They need my honesty.

7) FUN.  Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Be yourself.  If you are going to do this for a loooong time then approach it as a journey NOT as a short distance intense sprint.  Why approach it as a journey? Because typically people come back after a while of being away and they read voraciously and consume everything new. You write steadily but only a few read steadily. The rest come and go in waves.

8) SUCCINCT.  Short is better because people are time-poor. But get the message out.

9) LOVE.  People need people. Love is what makes the world go around. The more you give of yourself the more people can understand you. I give out my FB details but not my mobile phone details.

10) GIVE FREELY.  Always remember there is a difference between friendship and ministry. In ministry you give and you dont expect anything back. You might even get rejection back. But in friendship you must expect good behaviour and reciprocal effort from your friends. Writing a blog is ministry. You will give and you might rarely get back from anyone.

11) SHINE!  Reward yourself when you get your 100th visitor, 1000th, 10 000th and 1 million-th. Let your light shine the bible says. When you shine then others can see what God is doing through you… and they develop hope.  And the bible says that hope give rise to faith and love.

12) BREADCRUMB TRAIL.  Leave a breadcrumb trail… from where you were to where you are now. I find that I cannot remember the earlier parts of my journey, so I can’t blog it later from memory. Therefore it’s good if I blog it as I go along… leaving a breacrumb trail.

13) PICTURES.  A picture says a thousand words. Use images or make your own ones.

God bless you!

5 responses to “Would you like to write? My blogging tips…

  1. I especially like #12, leave a bread crumb trail. I am in a season of doing a lot of writing. there are times it is difficult to look back and remember how it was. Especially if we are writing about feelings. I find it useful to use my daily journal.

  2. Thank you for these tips..i found your blog while doing research on self love, and was led to a previous article of yours. I will write on self love according to the word of God next week on my blog and I will share the link with you.thank you

  3. Awesome Ursula. I just added two more items… so… come back and refresh the page 🙂

    Im heading over to your blog right now. Thanks for letting me know! 🙂

    God bless you.

  4. Hi Mark,
    Thanks so much for this, it’s very helpful. I just recently started my blog and am still finding (trying to) find my feet. You’re welcome to go and have a look. Ursula

  5. Pingback: Would you like to write? My blogging tips… | Faith + Hope + Love·

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