Marriage Pt 3 – God’s vision for marriage

But listen to what God’s vision for marriage is.

naked_embrace.jpgIn my revelation, God showed me a husband and wife getting naked and showing ourselves to each other – it looked just like in the Pablo Picasso picture.

We were effectively saying to each other: “This is me. I am fallen. I have hurts. I am weak. Will you accept me?” And we accept each other. We work and learn to accept each other. We discover each other’s (reasonable) needs and try to meet them.

With His power and strength and with His Holy Spirit working in us, we can be accepting of each other. We can be naked again in each other’s presence. Not heap shame or rejection on each other.

Hopefully in this sphere of acceptance and intimacy, we can strengthen and support each other to not fall into sin and hurt one another. To undo the effects of the past. I’m not expecting perfection, so when we still do the wrong thing, we have the ability to talk, share, accept and grow.

This kind of acceptance (putting aside high aspirations, not judging, releasing expectations, ignoring the latest fashions and seeking to accept the other person for who they are today) can surely happen, if God says it can.

If you enjoyed this post, consider reading Creating deep intimacy (into-me-see) in relationships

4 responses to “Marriage Pt 3 – God’s vision for marriage

  1. i think that you hit the nail on the head – marriage is truly about allowing another person to see all of you (the good, bad, ugly) and to be loved anyway.

    great post and awesome blog.

    legal lane

  2. ***This kind of acceptance (putting aside high aspirations, not judging, releasing expectations, ignoring the latest fashions and seeking to accept the other person for who they are today) can surely happen, if God says it can.***

    This is so true, Mark!

    Reminds me of Philippians 2:1ff.

    Thanks for sharing, dear brother.


  3. <em.***This kind of acceptance (putting aside high aspirations, not judging, releasing expectations, ignoring the latest fashions and seeking to accept the other person for who they are today) can surely happen, if God says it can.***

    This is so true, Mark!

    Reminds me of Philippians 2:1ff.

    Thanks for sharing, dear brother.


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