How to get revival to start in your life

When I read this verse I feel like praying in tongues… God’s Spirit within me speaks…

“Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the house.” – 2 Chron 7:1

Do you know that YOU are the temple of God now?

And God our Father through Jesus Christ on His cross has made a way for your scarlet sins to become white as snow.

If you believe and accept that Jesus Christ died in your place and if you receive all that He did for you… then you are without spot, without wrinkle, without blemish… you are holy, pure and blameless.

You see… when Solomon’s prayers were finished and that was after the temple had been built according to the beautiful and perfect design with sufficient sacrifices THEN the temple was fit for God to inhabit. So He moved in!

Are you the temple of God?

What did Jesus Christ do on His cross? Did He make you perfect and holy?

If you say yes to both of these then fire WILL came down from heaven and the glory of the LORD WILL fill the temple which is YOU!

And keep the temple clean in that same way – by believing all that He has done for you!

Put on and wear His robes of righteousness. Set your mind on things above. Declare His promises.

It is He who has cleansed you on His cross. Your best efforts are filthy rags. He perfected you. Believe it. Receive it. Walk in it.

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