As Jesus Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)

But wait! There is still more for us to understand about the new nature of Jesus Christ, which we can put on…

we are God’s workmanship, created IN Christ Jesus – Eph 2:10

We are IN Jesus Christ – 1 John 2:5

we live through Him – 1 John 4:9

Look at Who’s nature is in us…

God’s nature abides in us – 1 John 3:9

we take our nature from God – 1 John 3:10

These next two verses are very similar. They both explain Who is in you.

God abides in us – 1 John 4:12

For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him – Col 2:9-10

This next verse is an eye-opening verse…

as Jesus Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)

Imagine that. Not only are you WHERE Jesus Christ is, but you are also AS Jesus Christ is! This is because of the profound union you have with Jesus Christ through your faith.

You and I are not born this way. When He found us, we were sinners and separated from God because of our sin.

But now that we are in union with Jesus Christ (us in Him, He in us) through our faith, we are something completely new and different. We are a new creation!

But there is a catch… you must continue in the faith, not shifting from the hope of the gospel…

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,

if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister. – Col 1:21-23

So assuming that we choose to believe these words in the bible, then we will receive them… and AS Jesus Christ is now in Heaven, SO ARE WE here on Earth! It’s almost impossible to imagine what He is like in Heaven!

I hope that by now you are seeing grand new opportunities for your life here on Earth, because of Who He is and Where He is.

“Be loosed My people!”

23 responses to “As Jesus Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)

  1. So the “catch” is that we can lose the eternal life we received at our new birth. Then it really wasn’t eternal life was it? Gosh how encouraging!

    • I believe the verse is talkin about this Eartg. You can be saved and have eternal life and be like Jesus because you have been born again but you won’t fully experience that here the way you are meant to if you don’t believe it. In fact, it is sad that so many Christians focus on behavior modification and sin suppression than realizing who they are in Christ and what they have in Him. Renee your mind in the work to by which Christ has made us like him, completely new right now. That truth sets you free as you meditate on it and believe what the word says than what you see or feel. Thanks for this post!

  2. As He is in Heaven….He is loved – so am I on earth….He is favored – so am i on earth….He is well and in perfect health – so am i on earth….He is victorious – so am i on earth…..and it is all because of His Grace that I am here on earth as He is in Heaven…..Its because He loved me first….No wonder the term “scandalous grace” has come to be. Its a one way only road of grace that I have found myself on thanks only to Jesus. Now when God looks at me, He looks at me through the victory of Jesus. He looks at me like this “As He is in Heaven so am i here on earth.”

  3. Jesus spoke this verse to me this morning. He is awesome, I believe much revelation will be revealed to be as Iwalk with the spirit every Day open my spiritual ears and Just believe. He came that we might have life and live in abundance in every área of our life to bring him glory.

  4. I really believe that as Jesus is in heaven so am i in this world! SO AWESOME IS IT TO BE A CHILD OF THE LIVING GOD! Thank you Lord Jesus,the lover and saviour of my soul!

  5. Very awesome bcos that keeps us on our toes to try behave in the manner He does. God bless U

  6. Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. God bless you all, I now know and believe that as Christ so am I In his world, God loves me. Amen

  7. This verse is mind bogling….awesome. Jesus perceives us in that light. I confess now that inspite of what i am going through ”AS HE IS SO I AM HERE IN THIS WORLD”

  8. This word is true. Only a few of us will appreciate this truth….those who are true to Jesus Christ…..those who are truly born again.

    Be blessed in the spirit!!

      • This thing called identity is keen on us fulfilling our purpose. It’s beautiful how God speaks to our heart. Just this morning I was asking God what does it mean for me to be Spirit…because I AM SPIRIT! & He said ” You are Me” & he repeated it over and over until my spirit cried that I AM God walking in the earth, it is Christ who came as Spirit to show us how to live, Spirit teaching spirit how to exist in the earth, how to subdue the flesh… I can do all things that Christ did while He was on earth, how? because He is Spirit and I am Spirit living in a body.

  9. The Victorious ones are those that know Who they are, Where they Come from & Where they are Going. Make Heaven ur FOCUS

  10. This verse its more powerful”as He is in Heaven,so we are on earth.
    Jesus He is the King of kings,LORD of Lords.which means we are the the kings/Lords on earth.
    we belong to royal family.

  11. I just discovered 1John 4:17.
    Amazing and powerful verse that I have not not known for many years.

    • I am very pleased the Holy Spirit thinks it is time you heard about this. Dwell on it. Take your time. Pray about it.

      May I suggest you take Hebrews 4:2 very seriously when it comes to this discovery of yours. This message of who you are may not benefit you at all if you do not add your faith to it.

      God bless you,

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