How to be a Christian

I don’t know if you can tell, but I’ve been having a LOT of clarity recently. It’s not just that many years of questions have firmed up, it’s not just that I’ve been having even more God experiences than normal, it’s not just that I’m seeing the very sick be healed, it’s not just that the scriptures are popping open to me… it’s all of that and more.

And in the end I have come to this conclusion. Only two things really matter. If you want to know how to be a Christian, or how to be a powerful Christian, or how to overcome the sin and evil of this world… then here is the bottom line.

There are just two things you need to know, and everything else is simply given to you (Matt 6:33) as you take note of these two things

FIRSTLY: For non-believers the most important thing is not left and right politics, not taxation rates, not abortion or the death penalty or anything else.

It’s the fact that Jesus Christ took the sin of the world – your sin, my sin – and He took it onto Himself and He paid the FULL penalty of death. All of it. Not just some of it but all of it (1 John 2:2). Then He defied death and rose from it. And when He ascended on high He sat at the right hand of the Father and He received gifts for men (and women) and yes for the rebellious also (Ps 68:18). Amongst those gifts that He received was the Holy Spirit, which He poured out ON ALL FLESH (Acts 2:33).

What I am writing SO CLEAR to me that I could cry, in fact my eyes are welling up with tears as I write this. No one needs to suffer. No one needs to be in pain. No one needs to suffer for sin, they can be free! The payment IS made. Everything is done. But it has to be received.

What remains is for us Christians to go and TELL the world and to DEMONSTRATE this truth to people so that they can see and know. You see, we Christians don’t battle flesh and blood, we battle principalities and powers in heavenly places for the people’s freedom.

So that is the first of the two most important things. Here is the second…

SECONDLY:  For believers who have chosen to believe what I wrote above… just as non-believers need to accept that truth in order for it to become theirs and to benefit (Heb 4:2), you the believer need to accept this next truth in order for it to become manifestly true for you (Heb 4:2).

It’s the fact that you HAVE BEEN baptised INTO Jesus Christ through your faith in Him. That is already done. And just as death could not hold Him, it has no hold on you either. Just as He is seated at the right hand of the Father, you too are seated with Him FAR ABOVE everything that can be named in this world. As He is IN HEAVEN, so are you – IN THIS WORLD!

It’s profound, if you believe what I wrote above, then these words I am saying are already true about you. But as the bible says, if you don’t mix the truth with your faith, daily, then you won’t benefit from it (Heb 4:2).

I have been searching the scriptures for years and just recently all my hard work has boiled down to just those two things.

The Holy Spirit says…

But right now the Holy Spirit has just said to me “1 John 2:4” and it is this verse

Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. – 1 John 2:4

So don’t be fooled by people who say that they believe. If their life is not one of love (His one explicit command) doing not just speaking, then the truth is not in them and they are lying to you.

The scriptures say it too

And wouldn’t you know it… it’s more or less what Paul says is all that is important too… two things…

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. – 1 Cor 2:2

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection  – Phil 3;10

I have come to that same conclusion, but i came to it the long way around. I went through living the covenants, living the law, I went through “father worship”, I made the oils, I anointed myself and my house, I did it all and I did everything. None of it freed me. I bought all the books and all the music. I went to services at the most famous church(es). I did not get freed.

All of it led me to this believe those two simple truths.

We are His bride

You see, we are His bride, we lose ourselves and then we find ourselves in Him. A bride loves her Husband. She is not to focused on her father in law. She does not to desire her father in law. She does not to fawn and adulate her father in law.

And as she comes to know and love her Husband Jesus Christ, through Him she is able to be seated at the right hand of God the Father, right in His very Presence. She becomes adopted by the Father. Her name is changed by her Husband. Her Husband’s God is her God. Her Husband’s people become her people.

Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God – Ruth 1:16

Apart from Me you can do nothing

The Holy Spirit seems to be telling me to quote this next scripture… “apart from me you can do nothing”… and I have no doubt it is for someone reading this…

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Does this resonate with you? Do you feel this way? Leave a comment below.

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7 responses to “How to be a Christian

  1. Could you be praying for me? I appreciate it. I have been re-reading some of your posts and they are ministering to me through he Holy Spirit. My Pastor is away on sabbatical and I don’t feel like I have a real Goldy influence that I can pray with. I am discouraged, and trusting God with my family situation because I know there’s nothing he can’t change. It’s all in his timing, though, and his way, not mine. Thank you so much for your prayers, and your writings.

  2. Hello

    I ‘ve spent some time looking at your website and I would like to become a regular visiter. I like the fact that Mark is non judgmental even if he disagrees with a comment. Believe me, that is incredibly rare in evangelical Christians. The internet is full of so called Christians spewing hatred towards fellow man just because they aren’t living up to the high standards that *they* think appropriate.

    I was brought up in the Anglican/Church of England faith, and after some soul searching of the different Christian denominations from the Catholics to Orthodox, I think the Anglican denomination is the one for me.


  3. Mark, I have come back to this post. This is so key in my life right now. I know God had you write this for me.
    If I may quote you: “I have come to that same conclusion, but i came to it the long way around. I went through living the covenants, living the law, I went through “father worship”, I made the oils, I anointed myself and my house, I did it all and I did everything. None of it freed me. I bought all the books and all the music. I went to services at the most famous church(es). I did not get freed.” I myself have tried to do so many “good things” for God. He doesn’t want our good things, he wants us!
    I want that freedom in Christ, more than I ever have before. I am restless. God has been touching my heart recently. I know I must draw ever so near to him. How does Freedom in Christ come?
    Also, keep going back to Hebrews 4:2-3. … if you don’t mix the truth with your faith, daily, then you won’t benefit from it. I am learning a lot about faith. Believe in Jesus. Is there even a deeper step that we as Christians are to take, perhaps daily? To receive him (daily). I know he is here.
    And of course the famous verse John 15:5. Love this illustration.
    Thanks and blessings!

  4. Pingback: Kingdom of God « Faith + Hope + Love·

  5. Thank you! This is a very timely post, for it is what God is revealing to me now. It’s all about him not about his stuff, we must have that intimate relationship with him. My life has been hard for a long time because even though I believe, I Haven’t fully attached myself to the Vine. I am finally understanding what the real Christian life is about.

    • Hi Emily

      Please reload the page and read it again, I have made some changes since I first posted it. I always make changes after I post it, because I get a chance to look at it and add extra scriptural references.

      Yes these two things are where the power is to be found. Those two statements are very dense, there is so much in them. Enjoy. As He said “eat My flesh and drink My blood”. His death and resurrection are the two most important events in world history.

      God bless you, Mark.

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